Sunday, February 24, 2008

This is what happens....

If you had the choice, to watch yourself live your normal everyday life on video tape, would you?
What if you notice things that you never knew about yourself? Things that you didn't like at all, then what do you do with that?

Or what about watching yourself in your sleep? What if, in your sleep, you turn into this whole other person, a whole different life even, that just all melts away before you get up?

Or finding out what really goes on in your house when nobody is home. Do the cat's invite all their friends over and have little tea parties? Does the floor immediately become infested with roaches and other insects?

There is so much stuff that goes on, even in our own lives, things that happen before our eyes, that we just don't see...we have no idea about.

How much would you really want to know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep on writing! I am reading.